
неділя, 21 лютого 2016 р.

Welcome to the FUTURE !!!

Some additional information for better understanding...

Майбутній простий  час. 

Допоміжне дієслово: will

 prediction - передбачення;
resolution - рішення, твердий намір;
promise - обіцянка;
oath - присяга;
snap desicion - поспішне рішення.

Let's practice, now!
 Rewrite the sentences into your notebooks (extra hometask)
Insert verb in correct form
1. – We need to discuss this problem. – OK, I ..... ..... you tomorrow. (To call)
2. We ..... never ..... trying. (To stop)
3. I don't think they ..... ..... the election (To win)
4. ..... you ..... me ..... tomorrow morning? I've forgotten my alarm clock. (To
wake up)
5. Don't worry, I ..... ..... anyone your secret. (To tell)
6. Can you write it down for me? Otherwise I ..... ..... (To forget)
7. You need to speak louder. They ..... ..... you otherwise. (To hear)

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