понеділок, 26 вересня 2016 р.
вівторок, 20 вересня 2016 р.
do you think of today’s TV programmes?
What do you think about TV news ?
What do you think of advertising on TV?
How does advertising
between programmes or in the middle of programmes make you feel?
Could you be happy without having a TV at home?
How to stop watching TV and why should you do it
середа, 7 вересня 2016 р.
Present tenses
Which Present tenses do you remember?
Present Simple (теперішній простий) and Present Continuous (тривалий)!
Present Simple - дія повторюється. Present Continuous - дія відбувається зараз.
Just for fun watch these:
субота, 3 вересня 2016 р.
Let's talk about your summer holidays!
Here are some examples for you ;)
always enjoy summer. Do you? In summer, I like to relax and forget about
school. I don't have to get up early and I can see my friends any time I want.
My holidays are usually with my parents. We go to different places in Britain
and sometimes abroad. In Britain ,
I like going to Devon, Somerset and Scotland – but my favourite place of all is Yorkshire . It has lovely countryside and fantastic
old buildings. The only problem is the weather!
Last summer, I had two holidays. One was in Somerset ,
in a little village by the sea, and another was in Naples ,
in Italy .
I went with my mother to Italy
– by train! The journey took twenty-eight hours.
Patrick, 12, Britain
hot in the United States
in summer. In Washington
State , it doesn't rain
much, but it still stays very green.
During summer we love to swim, lie in the sun, go camping, and spend nights at
our friends' houses. We usually go somewhere with our parents. Last year we
went to California for the first part of
summer and then to Disneyland . We also looked
at international stars in Los Angeles .
We met Nelly Furtado! After a rest, we went to Maine
and Massachusetts
with our mom, sister, and a friend. We stayed with our grandfather in Massachusetts , and then we went camping in Maine . We played on the
beaches, and went sailing.
Kate, 12 and Jane, 14, USA
неділя, 21 серпня 2016 р.
середа, 27 квітня 2016 р.
понеділок, 18 квітня 2016 р.
понеділок, 28 березня 2016 р.
Back to the FUTURE
We have different ways of talking about the future. We often use going to (+ infinitive), the present continuous (to be + -ing) or will (+ infinitive). The structure we use depends on the function of what we want to say, whether we are talking about arrangements, plans, predictions, etc. 
present continuous (to be + -ing)------] запланована діяльність, домовленість
going to (+ infinitive)-----------] плани та наміри, реальні передбачення
will (+ infinitive)----------] незаплановане майбутнє, передбачення, обіцянки, пропозиції...

present continuous (to be + -ing)------] запланована діяльність, домовленість
going to (+ infinitive)-----------] плани та наміри, реальні передбачення
will (+ infinitive)----------] незаплановане майбутнє, передбачення, обіцянки, пропозиції...
пʼятниця, 18 березня 2016 р.
Your day in 2020...
This week my students talked a lot about the future. They were
thinking about their lives and the world in general. There were plenty of interesting ideas: such as space travelling, flying cars, living on Mars and so on...
Continuing the theme of the future want to offer the awesome video from YouTube about the development of technology in a few years.
I hope you'll enjoy it!!!
thinking about their lives and the world in general. There were plenty of interesting ideas: such as space travelling, flying cars, living on Mars and so on...
Continuing the theme of the future want to offer the awesome video from YouTube about the development of technology in a few years.
I hope you'll enjoy it!!!
Will we have this technology? How do you think?
Do you want to have it ?
неділя, 13 березня 2016 р.
First Conditional
Here you can find some more useful information about First Conditional.
Перший тип умовних речень. На противагу чаcовим формам дієcлова, що позначають реальні дії, дієcлова умовних речень позначають дії нереальні, нездійcненні або ті, що можуть відбутиcя тільки за певних умов.
В умовних реченнях першого типу виcловлюєтьcя думка про дію, яка наcправді може здійcнитиcя в теперішньому чи майбутньому чаcі:
If I hear any news about him, I’ll phone you. (Якщо почую якіcь новини про нього, подзвоню вам.)
If you lose the money, I’ll help you. (Якщо ви загубите гроші, я вам допоможу.)
Long time no see......
Want to share some new achievements)
The annual festival "Dialogue of Countries" was held at our school this week.
My sixth grade team represented Denmark and
won the first place !!!!!!!!
We are the winners)))
вівторок, 23 лютого 2016 р.
Good evening, guys! Do you believe in superstitions?...
But many years ago our ancestors believed that nature, animals, plants and other things gave them special sign to help or to punish them in some difficult situations. So, our topic is «Superstitions in the UK and in Ukraine». неділя, 21 лютого 2016 р.
Welcome to the FUTURE !!!
вівторок, 16 лютого 2016 р.
St.Valentine's Day
It's a pity that the celebration we've been waiting for ended so quickly...
A bit of history:
A bit of history:
Valentine's Day, or St
Valentine's Day, is celebrated every year on 14 February. It's the day when people show their affection for another person (or people!) by
sending anonymous cards, flowers or
chocolates with messages of love. And
traditionally on Valentine's Day in a leap year - every four years - women can
propose marriage to their lovers!
The day gets its name from a
famous saint, but there are several stories of who he was. The most popular
belief about St Valentine is that he was a priest
субота, 6 лютого 2016 р.
пʼятниця, 5 лютого 2016 р.
Let's revise comparatives
Ступені порівняння прикметників (вищий та найвищий).

Ступені порівняння прикметників (вищий та найвищий).

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